Thursday, January 2, 2014

At 64 years old, I've made the leap, embarked on the adventure, accepted the challenge, followed my heart, or, some may say, gone off the deep end, had a senior moment, or gone bonkers. Amazing how many colloquelisms we have for the twists and turns that our lives take!

I have finally settled in Rhode Island with my love, Charlene. On Thursday, the van arrived with all of my earthly possessions, and now begins the melding of two complete households into one...Yikes! Seriously, how many collenders can two people need!? The insanity is in the details, LOL. Its easy to decide who you want to be with forever, but much more difficult to determine who's mixing bowls should stay, and who's should go into the "yard sale" area. I never thought I had formed a relationship with my toaster oven until it was time to "pack it or donate it"!